
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A direction

So. I started this blog early in the year to document my organization goals. Well, as it often does, life got in the way and I didn't post. But lately, I've gotten the urge to post again. Not necessary all about organization, but all the things I love about design, decor, organization and living life. A personal account- one separate from my business blog and all that jazz. A little way to document the things I love to look at, the things I am wishing for and the changes we're making in our little lives, big and small from new artwork to relocating. Speaking of relocating... we're moving! About 20 minutes west, away from the city and to a more family oriented community. I am excited to have my own office- I have big plans to document the journey of that creation- more room for storage, cooking and the kittens to play and maybe even room for another addition to the family. Living in a place we were unhappy with for over a year has been tough on everyone, and hopefully this will begin a whole new chapter for the both of us, one filled with lots of love + happiness. I hope I will be able to finally find a direction for this little space on the interwebs, and share with the world my favorite little findings. xoxo